Heart to Heart: The Transformative Power of Service
You are strong.
You just survived over two years of incredibly difficult work.
You are still standing and have proven you have the capacity to adapt to your everchanging surroundings that the work demands.
When you chose your vocation and accepted your position, you were charged to provide the best care possible in whatever capacity you serve. The work that you do is important. It is not simply a job. It is not helping just your patients and their families.
You are touching the lives of your co-workers, your family, and ultimately the world. Service drew you to your profession. Remembering that call can be transformative.
Now you stand between the irretrievable past and a future that is ready and waiting to be shaped by you.
It all begins with a question. I would like to be the one to ask it of you.
How did you come to be who you are, doing the work that you do?
How you answer is the first step on a restorative journey I will walk with you.
This is what guides and shapes the work I do to help those who chose this life of service.

I led a study on listening with critical care nurses at a hospital in New Orleans and here is what we discovered:
Deep listening leads to deep connection. Deep connection leads to transformation.
Through the work at Your Listening Partner, LLC, I aim to acknowledge the work you have done and support you as discover your place in your “new normal.”
I want to hear your story.
Why We Listen
In a study with critical care nurses it was shown that use of a proven and effective method of listening impacted patient care through improved communication and increased empathy for the patient. If you are a nurse, this change not only improves your ability to care for your patients, it allows you to care for yourself as well.
As a pastor who champions nurses and the work they do, I am sharing these skills with all nurses and supervisors so that you too can benefit from listening with your heart.
Please join me in the transformative use of listening not just with ears but eyes,
and most importantly, our hearts as we listen in a new way.
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YLP Nurse's Listening Card

Five Steps to Get Through Today
A Note About the Pandemic
Few disasters stretch around the globe and touch nearly every life in the world. The COVID-19 pandemic is one such event. It slithered into our consciousness in 2020 to profoundly change the way we live our lives. It came and a new paradigm emerged.
Healthcare providers from the beginning through today stoically fight this historic battle. These are the people on the front line who, for the most part, came to this work with a heart for service to others and still carry on the fight. Early in the lockdown a nurse was asked why she continued to work in the face of personal danger, and she responded, “If I don’t care for them, who will?”