November 11, 2021

Stone and Kin

Tomorrow my sister and I have an unusual appointment. Together we’re going to order a headstone for our paternal grandparents, Robert and Clara, who died back in the 1940s. They died before either of us was born and for whatever reason, unlike my mother’s family, we didn’t know much about […]
October 4, 2021

Reluctant Vision

“Why did that lady steal her dog?” I looked down at my 4-year-old-granddaughter and tried to figure out what she was talking about. It was a bright, hot morning and my granddaughter wanted to go for a walk through the neighborhood. Her goal was to show me her favorite house, […]
September 13, 2021

Empty Monuments

“Looks like I’ve got everything I wanted to get.”  My friend closed the car trunk filled with a few remnants of her parents’ lives. She sighed as she said her good-byes. She’d inherited this place and over the years it had been good. Now it was a little too far […]