August 1, 2024

I Thought I Knew

Old Boxes A new writing project drew me to the dusty box of old files in the basement. I avoided it for a very long time, but now, I’m ready. The untouched boxes from our last (and incredibly difficult) move spoke to me and told me it was time to […]
October 13, 2023

Fall Colors

Familiar Seasons 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… How can there be so many fall shades of yellow? I took in the exquisite fall colors surrounding me, as I sat at an interstate rest stop on the border of Minnesota. Only yesterday, I was home, further south where the trees were […]
March 29, 2023

Liminal Spaces

A concept from my book Heart to Heart, came to mind as I watched a struggling patient climb out of their car and push through the front door of the physical therapist’s office. As my eyes followed their actions, I garnered my own strength and moved from my car to […]
January 18, 2023

Salty Venice

Crossing into the cool, humid air relieved me of the glaring outside heat and tourist noise. Now inside, I glanced around the historic San Marco Cathedral in Venice, Italy, and was surprised at the contrast between my 20-year-old memory and the space I was in now. Back then, the interior […]