An orchestra performing in front of a deep red background.
November 18, 2022
Salty Venice
January 18, 2023

Not long ago I saw a sign on a clinic door that read:

Hospital sign, personal space, energy

“Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space. Your words matter. Your behaviors matter. Our patients and our teams matter. Take a slow, deep breath and make sure your energy is in check before entering. Thank you.”

That sign addressed one of life’s biggest challenges: our energy. It matters and it is our responsibility to manage it.

There is an energy field extending beyond the physical body that we call our personal space. It goes with us everywhere. It’s the feeling that occurs when somebody stands too close or the joy you feel when you’re around someone you love. Similar to the Peanuts character “Pig Pen” who walks around in a cloud of dust, the energy you carry with you is your vibe, your dust. It’s your aura. In that space, our energy interacts with others.

Last month I made a quick stop at Dollar Tree. Right inside the door, a man was pushing a cart while talking very loudly into his cellphone. He carried a chaotic presence. I avoided eye contact, said a little prayer, and dodged past him.

Just as I thought I was in the clear, he came right up behind me in the checkout line. He was still on the phone. He stood too close. He set down a lot of odd things and then, in a very loud voice, he interrupted the cashier (who was checking me out) to ask where the batteries were.

The cashier focused on ringing up my transaction. So, he asked even louder. Suddenly, in an even louder voice he confrontationally declared that he didn’t have enough money for his purchases. It was like he was a black hole of energy, and he would take as much of us as we allowed. I paid and hurried out.

His energy was disruptive. My personal space told me his aura was a bit out of kilter. My first impression proved correct, so I was wise to protect my energy field when I first shielded myself with that little prayer. I had said, “I place myself in the white light of protection.”

Sympathetic Resonance

Few explain the powerful effect of personal energy on others better than Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor, a Harvard neuroanatomist. In her book, My Stroke of Insight, she described her experience of having a stroke from the unique perspective of being a brain scientist.

A part of her brain remained engaged with her surroundings following the stroke. As a clinical professional, she observed her post-stroke care.

One of her most profound reflections was her awareness of the energy that each person brought into the room. Some brought helpful, supportive energy and for them she wanted to “show up” and engage them. Then there were others, like the medical intern who handled her roughly and sucked all the energy out of the room. She called that being an energy vampire and her spirit withdrew to protect her strength.

There is science behind this feeling, and it is called sympathetic resonance. The term originated in music.

When playing the cello, if I place my finger in the right spot on the first string to play a ‘C’ note, the open fourth string named ‘C’ vibrates even though it is on a different string. They vibrate in sympathy with each other. They’re not touching or holding hands. They just vibrate alike. One note “sets the tone” and the corresponding string follows. It works the same with any stringed instrument.

When the instrument and the air around it vibrates at the same frequency such as playing the same note, the second string vibrates in sympathy. This phenomenon is called sympathetic resonance.

It works for humans too. We ‘resonate’ and others pick up our ‘vibe.’

Einstein himself stated, “It followed from the special theory of relativity that mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing-a somewhat unfamiliar conception for the average mind.”

Listen to the full quote here:


You bring a vibe with you wherever you go. People around you resonate with that vibe. To that end, you have some control in how you bring your energy into the world.

How do you manage your own energy?

  • Self-awareness. When you are aware of your own issues you are less likely to project your shortcomings onto others.
  • Keep your vibrations up. It’s up to you to care for yourself. Whatever you need to do protect or maintain your energy, do it. Keep a snack in your desk. Stop and take a few deep breaths. Meditation or quick prayer in line at the store. Music, exercise, making good choices, remaining positive. They can all help.
  • Hold your own energy no matter what. Remember the energy vampires, the needy people who will suck the life right out of you? Hold the line on your boundaries and protect yourself. It’s not personal. If they don’t get your energy, they’ll go on to somebody else.
  • Another Kind of Energy. Consider for a moment the energy which is directed at you. Sometimes the energy is good and sometimes it is not. If it is not, ask angels, God or your Higher Power for protection. It is not yours if you don’t accept it.
  • It’s Not Always Personal. How somebody reacts says more about them than it does about you. Some people just like to keep things stirred up. That doesn’t mean you have to engage them or carry their baggage. ‘No’ can be a positive word.

As the sign said so well:

“Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space. Your words matter. Your behaviors matter. Our patients and our teams matter. Take a slow, deep breath and make sure your energy is in check before entering. Thank you.”

You always have choice in how you give and receive energy. Choose wisely.

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